10 déc. 2023
Martial KOUNOU

“Have You not made a fence around him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.” Job 1:10 (NASB)
Imagine the employee of a company that has just developed a new product coming to you and sharing with you all the reasons why (s)he thinks you should buy the said product! I guess you will potentially doubt some of the virtues and advantages (s)he attributes to the product which you will think are deliberately exaggerated just to urge you to buy. Now, imagine an employee of one of the fiercest competitors of that company privately chatting and flagging to you some tested advantages associated with that same product. Who will you likely believe more? I bet you will easily trust the competitor’s view because it is not in his interest to praise the product.
The passage of Job 1:10 is a mere caricature of the truth contained in the above illustration. If a Christian comes on the scene and starts saying that God can protect a man, his house and erect a protection all around him, people will look at him and only see him as someone marketing his father’s business. By the time he is done, demonstrating that the Almighty can bless the work of someone’s hand and make his substance increase in the land, many contradictors will have their hands up, ready to show him the number of people prospering out there without that prosperity being traceable to God.
But now, it is not an unbeliever, not a demon or any devilish entity speaking in Job 1:10. It is the Master of Evil, the accuser of the Saints, himself confessing before God and other angelic witnesses that the Almighty God can so well surround a person with a hedge and bless the fellow so much so that the person and everything about him will be safe and any initiative he takes will know no other fate but prosperity. Is that not amazing!
In case you were still doubting the Almighty’s capacity to keep you, your family and everything about you safe, kindly believe this unusual testifier on how powerfully God can preserve his owns (Psalm 91:1). In case your business is showing signs of imminent bankruptcy, rush to the one who can bless the work of your hands and increase your substance. He is not just willing but at all times ready to welcome you. Remain blessed!