27 mars 2022

Martial KOUNOU

"Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy” Revelations 3:4.

Being faithful is not a gift from God but a deliberate choice made of self-denial and conscious refusal to follow the trend. Being faithful to God is resolving to be unpopular, despised and sometimes fought for God's sake. It is aligning one's lifestyle to biblical standards with one's eyes strictly, constantly and confidently focused on God and on His son.

Seen from the angle described above, it is clear that the way to faithfulness is not and should not be expected to be crowded with people. From a human perspective, this is all the more understandable as the world we are in now offers attractions of all sorts which quench the eagerness of many to embark on the narrow path. As a result, Satan is winning ground to the detriment of heavens.

The good news however is that throughout history, men and women have made this unpopular choice with no regard to the threats they could face. That was the case of Joseph who refused to begin the sexual experience of his life with his boss's wife. What today many could have seen as an opportunity, a blessing in disguise, at his age, Joseph was already very conscious that it would be nothing less than a great wickedness and sin against God (Genesis 39:9). That was why he fled, thus demonstrating to God his maturity to move to his next higher level. A key lesson to learn from his behavior is that when God is our focus, whatever form it may take, sin is too small to knock us down. Daniel is another example of this resolutely faithful minority. Although he was aware of the king's edict and the punishment attached to its violation, He changed nothing to his prayer habits (Daniel 6:10).

Even in the midst of the most unbearable hardship, there are people who demonstrate an unwavering love to the almighty God and keep themselves away from any filthy behavior or attitude. They form the faithful minority. The question for us today is: are we, or do we at least want to be of the minority that is willing to give up everything to remain faithful to the Lord? As in the case of the Sardis’s church, may the Lord be proud to mention us among the FEW who have resolved not to defile their garments. Good meditation!

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© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved

© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved