16 juil. 2023

“I urge (…), that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. For kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”1 Timothy 2:1-4
What keeps us in one place, and at one level, is our attitudes towards the holy things of God. When you don't see leadership as something instituted by God, and you see it as an effort to dominate you, and others, this is rebellion towards leadership, you will not see leadership as a holy thing.
Eli was not a failure in leadership because of the behavior of his children. Two signs to leadership, which is crucial. The capability and effectiveness of a leader is not determined by his anointing, and giftings, but is determined by how much of the knowledge of leadership he has; nobody is born a leader; leaders must be trained, leaders are made. The other side of leadership is the willingness of the followers to follow the leader.
When people are not willing to follow the leader, the leader will fail, and this is where the children of Eli found themselves. The children of Eli were unwilling to follow him, and God judged Eli for this, because he failed to discipline his children. Eli was able to remove them from priesthood, when they were not willing to follow him, because they were bringing shame and reproach to the name of the Lord, but he tolerated them. But in terms of effectiveness as a leader, Eli was an able leader, because of the way he raised, and trained Samuel, to recognize the voice of God. Whatever Samuel became as a prophet, it was under the mentorship of Eli, in the house of Eli. When God came to call Samuel, He had to use the voice of Samuel.
To think that Eli was a failure as a leader, it would be very unfair to him. Samuel was willing to follow, willing to ask for counsel, and was willing to do the bidding for Eli, but Eli's children did not care. Eli’s children caused the ark to be captured by the Philistines.
Prayer- Lord Jesus, help me to work with you in your plans for leadership. Lord Jesus, I recognize that leadership is important to You, and man, and You work through leaders. Help me to be able to support leaders that you have placed over me. Give me the grace to pray, uphold, and be willing to follow my leader(s).