17 janv. 2021
Yunusa Dan KARAMI

“But divide your investments among many places, for you do not know what risks might lie ahead. When clouds are heavy, the rains come down (…). Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God (…). Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both. NLT” Ecclesiastes 11:2-6
Solomon, the man who has asked God for nothing but wisdom is giving us an insight into investment. He encourages believers to diversify their funding streams just in case some unfavourable circumstances hit; the believer can still hold strong onto the other streams. An investment is therefore a welcome endeavour that frees the believer from dependency. Farmers know far too well that you do not eat your seed, you plant it (invest it). A seed here is anything that can be planted and will yield fruits. For instance, you can plant the gift that God has placed in you, that seed will bear fruits by drawing men and women to you.
Search for useful opportunities you can take to the communities. For instance, if your communities love your culinary skills and are willing to reward you for it, then it might be an opportunity to consider. Unfortunately, many have received visions, dreams and prophecies about an investment that may seem insignificant to them and sadly leaving that business idea in the dream realm. Never despise a humble beginning. A 22-year-old graduate student from Stanford, Larry Page had a vision in the middle of the night in which he downloaded the entire Web and by examining the links between the pages. That vision was enough to get him restless until the most powerful search engine in the world was created: google. It is important to note though that despite prophecies and visions of success and wealth you must learn to play your own part. It takes dedication, determination and hard work to build a successful business. Solomon diversified his commerce activities with many nations including owning fleet of boats for trades.
No matter how great or how successful people seem to be in pursuing a business idea, you must understand that you will not succeed in just doing anything and anywhere. It is crucial to ask the Holy Spirit to lead you through and also provide the strategy to push the initiative forward.