20 nov. 2022
Martial KOUNOU

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” 1 Peter 5:7
The Greek mythology tells us the story of a lady, Thetis, who had a child, Achilles whom she wanted invulnerable. She decided to dip Achilles into the waters of Styx which were reputed for making people invulnerable. However, for her to dip him into the water, she had to hold Achilles’ heel. As a result, Achilles became invulnerable everywhere on his body except at his heel. He eventually died because somebody fired a poisoned arrow on the only part of his body where he was vulnerable. Since then, Achilles’ heel is used to talk of somebody’s weak point. Do you have any idea what your weak point is? If you don’t, it is time and even high time that you reflected over it and got to know it.
Why is it that important that we know our weak point? Simply because we are engaged in a perpetual war against a variety of antagonistic forces that won’t let us have a life of steadfastly obeying God because they know the benefits associated to that. Therefore, when those forces fail to destroy us because of God’s hedge around us (Job 1:10), they invest in distracting us, diverting us from holiness and enticing us to sin against our Creator. In fact, just like the general of an army informs himself about weaknesses of the army he wants to defeat, evil forces are keen to know what our weak point is. After all, is that not what we do when we want to catch animals? For example, since we know that fish like worms, we hide a hook inside the worm to attract and catch them. On seeing the bait, little does the fish know that what will kill it is hidden inside that apparently appetizing worm. By the time it bites it, that is its end.
Since creation, Satan has assuredly adjusted his strategies very often. One constant though is him using someone’s weakness to defeat him/her. What is your weakness? Is it gambling, stealing, immoderate desire for sex, gossiping, drinking, smoking, coveting, lying, luxury, travelling, being too logical, etc? Whatever it is, keep it under check and pray for God’s help to overcome it. Or else, it will rob you of your wonderful destiny. Remember, Lot wife’s materialistic trend lost her; Solomon was driven away from God by his numerous wives and concubines; Sansom’s love for Delila drowned his destiny. Don’t fall prey to Devil through your weak point.