12 févr. 2023
Kadiatu Bachallee TAYLOR

“Casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully]”1 Peter 5:7
Friends, God is calling us to cast all our anxieties, problems on him. He says that we should not worry about tomorrow because we do not know what tomorrow will bring. He reminded us of the generosity of the father, who clothe the flowers and feed the birds who do not farm.
Yet we think that we can get more and have more when we push ourselves beyond limits. When we could not get what we want after sweating our blood, we become frustrated, anxious and in despair. Sometimes we lose God and what he means to us. We allow our problems to weight us down, making us become weary and downcast. We forget that we have a living God who is Jehovah Jireh.
God has asked us to decree a thing and it shall be established on earth. He has asked us to take our problems to him and he shall give us rest. The Bible has promised us that God will lift off the burden off our shoulder.
In our offices, business place, we should not forget that God is the lifter of our heads, a hand of help in time of need. He has offered himself for us because he loves us. We should remember that we have the mind of Christ and in him we move and have our being. How then can we fall.
Our biggest problem is our unfaithfulness. The Bible did warn us that when we ask we should not waver. We should believe that God will supply all our needs according to his glory in Christ Jesus. The children of Israel could not see the promised land because of unbelief.
We should not live like the heathen and fear their own fear. Because though we are in this world, we are not of this world. For in our quietness and in returning to the Lord is our strength. All we need to do is to petition, decree and ask and God who so loves us will bring to pass that which our heart desire.
Turn everything to him because he is our watchman and our builder. His eyes and ears are attentive to the crying of the righteous. When we say Aba father he hears us and inclines his ears unto our cry.