26 déc. 2021
Martial KOUNOU

“Then he said to Gehazi, (…) take my staff in thine hand, and go thy way: if thou meet any man, salute him not; and if any salute thee, answer him not again (…).” 2 Kings 4:29
When I was still in the earliest grades of primary school, I remember reading the story about the rabbit and the tortoise race. That competition between unequal partners ended up with the tortoise’s victory because the tortoise managed to distract the rabbit by laying down at strategic places of the racing lane some carrots, one of rabbits’ favorite food.
In Christians’ race for Heavens, one of the key enemies they need to constantly keep under check is distraction. Their attention will be directed to things that have no relevance for their walk with God. And today highly technological world is not there to make things easier; in fact, it is so easy to get disconnected from one’s focus, from what is typically essential and to give in the attraction of news and communication on social media platforms! Ultimately, this leads to loss of spiritual momentum and appetite. For those who are looking for a job, Satan can lure them into a seemingly attractive opportunity; for girls praying for life partner, he might push them in the path of a man whose outward appearance looks like a God-fearing one. But along the line, that which looked so godly can end up being a mere illusion, a devilish trap (Prov. 14:21). Many Christians have fallen short of God’s expectation and they ended their race in the gutter of life because of distraction. Look at the typical example of Samson.
One of the immediate consequence of distractions is delay. Delay is first displayed through the postponement of the breakthrough one has been expecting from God. It can then spread into an incalculable amount of other issues. At this point, it takes discernment for the error veil to fall down and for the Christian to understand what actually went wrong. (S)he can then work toward a quick reconciliation with God. Anytime you discover that you have sinned against God, come back to him quickly lest Satan abuses you.
You have probably heard people often say that delay is not denial. This is only true in part. Actually, when some delays are not handled promptly and properly, they can make you take some successive steps outside God and that can lead to denial.
Has any distraction taken you astray of God’s plan in 2021? Confess and take good resolutions.