12 juil. 2020
Esther Eliott NYUMA

“And he walked in all the sins that his father did before him, and his heart was not wholly true to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father.” 1 Kings 15:3
The scripture above shows two type of hearts: a loyal heart and an un-loyal heart! The only person that properly knows the content of our hearts is God. He will reward each and every one of us based on what He knows about the content of our hearts. From the preceding verses, scripture made it clear that David’s heart was loyal to God but his son’s heart was far from being loyal to God. This speaks volume about what we process and harbour in our hearts.
The status of our heart is based on our deliberate choices to programme it based on our desires irrespective of the information we receive about who God is, His abilities and what He is capable of doing. Unlike riches, royalty, etc. which we can inherit, we cannot inherit a loyal heart. It is a deliberate and conscious choice that each and every one of us must make.
Where is your heart? Is it meditating in God’s law day and night as stated in Joshua 1:8 (ESV ) “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night,”… and Psalm 1:1-3 (ESV) … “but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night” ? Do you hate vain thoughts but love His law (Psalm 119:113)? Do you use extra time for God’s word or recreation?
Friends, God knows exactly where your heart is by the location of your treasure – where you make your investments of time, energy, talent, and money (Matthew 6:21).
Beloved, does God’s law rule your thoughts and activities about men and or women? About beer? About food? About time? About speech? About sleep? About friends? About diligent labour in your job? About giving your money to God? About saving your money? About music? About clothes? About your spouse? About service? About your parents? About any children? About success or failure? About dealing with sinners or enemies? And about many other things?
Diligently search your heart today; is there anything you know that has captivated your heart and it is talking you away from God?
Prayer: Dear heavenly father, please help me to live my life by your Word every time and everywhere in Jesus name. Amen!