5 juin 2022

“David recovered everything the Amalekites had taken, including his two wives. Nothing was missing: young or old, boy or girl, plunder or anything else they had taken. David brought everything back. He took all the flocks and herds”. 1 Samuel 30:18-20
From the fall of Adam and Eve until today it has been common for the majority of human beings to work hard in life before achieving success. However, some people are so unlucky that no sooner do they succeed or harvest what they planted than they lose everything. While losing everything one worked for is already too hard a situation to go through, the most difficult part of it all is how to get back what one has lost. I believe the story of David in the book of 1 Samuel will help us learn how to deal with such situations and recover what we have lost.
In the book of Samuel when David was running away from Saul, he went to the cave of Adullam and built his team there with diverse possession (1 Samuel 22). However, when David and his team arrived at Ziklag, they noticed that the Amalekites came there and took everything that belonged to them (both families and possession) and burned the place (1 Samuel 30). They even took David’s two wives in the process. The worst thing in that tragedy is that David’s team turned against him and was talking of stoning him. Stoning David? Yes, the team that he built with his own hands and capital was thinking of killing him when he was down. Fortunately, it came into David's mind to call the one who would never give up on him. The Bible says _“But David found strength in the Lord his God”._ David consulted God and we all know the result. He went to recover everything the Amalekites took from him plus all the possession of the Amalekites.
In general, when you and I lose something which is valuable in our eyes (job, possession, family), the first thing that happens to us is distress, which is normal as we are all human beings. But are we going to cry and be sad all our lives? David also was distressed and cried but he needed to stop crying, consult God and find strength in Him. Maybe it is time for some of us who lost something in life to stop crying or complaining and find strength in the Lord to recover what we have lost!