21 oct. 2018
Martial KOUNOU

“Whoever is faithful with very little will also be faithful with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much” Luke 16.10
You surely know the saying “He that steals an egg will steal an ox”. For me that saying perfectly summarizes the truth embodied in our meditation verse.
Indeed, from a look around you, you will note the presence of people who would never have been in their current positions if they had not been able to display commitment, seriousness and professionalism in their previous responsibilities. Those people know how to translate the slightest guidance into real masterpieces and they don’t mind going some extra-miles. Such people are easily taken notice of and their supervisors will not think twice before offering them new opportunities just because they expect to see more of the observed quality displayed in the course of implementing new responsibilities.
God also observes us to assess our capacity to be faithful in the little things we are entrusted with. No task is too little not to deserve an appropriate level of attention because, to put it Martin Luther King, “Whatever your life's work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better.”
It is however unfortunate to note that some people book their faithfulness for the time they will be given more responsibilities thinking that having better conditions will automatically trigger their faithfulness. There is nothing as questionable as that. Indeed, how easy for example shall it be for somebody to give 5000 fcfa if (s)he was not in the habit of joyfully giving away 50 fcfa? In the same way, how possible is it to expect a manager to find time for God’s work if, as an assistant, nothing foreshadows that attitude?
As parents, it is our role and even our duty to ensure we work toward inculcating that truth in our children and ensure they apply it.
My brother, my sister, you have prayed a lot and fasted as well for God to take you to your next level. But what is preventing that aspiration from becoming effective? Maybe you should examine yourself in the light of Luke 16.10 and make decisions accordingly.
Good meditation!