8 juil. 2018

“So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them." 2 Kings 6:16
Fear is a feeling with an incredible effect. It is a great partner of the enemy committed to destabilize us in many circumstances. It sometimes takes on a very subtle form but often on the lookout if not seated inside us without warning: fear of illness, death, sorcerers, unemployment, loneliness, etc.
Fear paralyzes, reduced to immobility and unproductivity. It opens the way to failure and a state of poverty. Too often this feeling is suggested by a certain perception of things from the point of imminent or unstoppable danger. Fear is centered on what we perceive through sight and understand by human reasoning.
The verse of the week refers to a particularly edifying episode in the life of the prophet Elisha and his servant Gehazi. The two men were surrounded on both sides by the enemy army visibly committed to their extermination. Faced with this sight, Gehazi was seized with fear while Elisha was bathed in absolute serenity. The difference between these two men and their respective postures are based on two different approaches: sight and vision.
Sight is the dimension of the natural senses, the first, rather superficial perspective of things. It often claims to be "realistic," but in fact it keeps us in a condition of vulnerability and subjugation. That is why the Apostle Paul invites us to avoid walking through sight.
On the other hand, vision refers to the dimension of the spiritual senses. It projects itself beyond the primary approach of the real and leads us to true freedom. Vision takes precedence over reality to establish itself in the realm of truth. If fear and defeat have as allies the sight, peace and glory have as their friend the vision, focused on the acceptance of the word of God
A resolution for this week
Father, by your grace I choose to free myself today from the spirit of fear in all its forms. I now accept your word of Isaiah 45, which reassures me that the LORD of hosts is walking before me, loosening the belt of kings, smoothing the high roads, breaking the doors of brass and breaking the iron locks. On your word, I advance in full glory in Jesus Christ. Amen