28 août 2022
Martial KOUNOU

“The man of God asked, “Where did it fall?” When he showed him the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it there, and made the iron float.” 2 Kings 6: 6
Brethren & Sisters,
A famous African novelist wrote this: “it is impossible for a rotten elephant body to go unnoticed”. Likewise, when God is at work, even those who don’t know Him generally recognize a force that is beyond anything science can describe is at work. In fact, when the Almighty is at work somewhere, the laws of nature are suspended and protocols are reversed. Want biblical evidences?
The sea is known for its depth and the violence of its waves. After Israel had exited Egypt triumphantly, Pharaoh made up his mind to bring them back into slavery; he was sure that the red sea would be a natural limit they could never go beyond. But little did he know about God’s power in action! So, what mankind never saw, heard or even suspected happened: God divided the red sea asunder (Psalm 136:13) for his children to walk through securely.
Look at what happened in 2 Kings 6! An iron axhead fell into the water. Naturally, with the law of gravity in action, it went down. But the law of gravity had to recognize the supremacy of a bigger force and was left with no option but let it prevail. It only took a stick thrown at the place where the incident took place for an iron (not dry wood) to float. Amazing!
We have another breath-taking example with Joshua when Israel had to join forces with Gibeon to defeat the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachich and Eglon who attacked Gibeon. Joshua commanded the sun to stand still “And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies”. (Joshua 10:13).
My brother and sister, when it comes to fighting for his children, God is able to break all existing protocols and circumvent any law. In a twinkle of an eye, he can give you something it will normally take you decades of effort to achieve release somebody from prison without judgement, heal someone from a dreadful disease without medicine and surgery. He can promote you to a position for which you have no degree and qualification, prosper you in the midst of the hardest adversity.
Daddy is still ready to break protocol for your case. Talk to Him and move from that spot for His glory and your joy!