14 avr. 2024
Martial KOUNOU

“And the Lord said unto Gideon, by the three hundred men (…) will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand” Judges 7:7
Our today anchor verse echoes 1 Samuel 14:6 which reads “(…) for there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few”. In the war against the Midianites, God was very deliberate in reducing the size of the army Gideon purposed to fight with. The number was first brought down to 10,000 men (from the original 32,000) and then to only 300 (i.e. less than 1%).
Brothers and sisters, we often see God bringing great things to pass by a few hands; but that was the only time he purposely made them that few. And given what they achieved (in average, one Israelite soldier killed 400 Midianites during that fight - Judges 8:10), none of them would be stupid enough to attempt to assign or ascribe the merit to themselves. They would rather and justly so recognize that such a victory was but the true index of the unparallel delivery power of the Almighty God fighting on their behalf.
God wanted to silence and exclude boasting “(…) lest Israel vaunt themselves against me, saying, mine own hand hath saved me”. (Judges 7:2). According to his word in Jeremiah 9:24, he wants anyone that glories to glory in the fact that they understand and know God. That is the only tolerable glory allowed.
The Lord knows what you are going through, and He is willing to rescue and save you. But to do that, He does not need a great army (Psalm 33:16).
Through Moses, He delivered hundreds of thousands of people from centuries of slavery in Egypt. With the sacrifice of a single man, Jesus, He saved the whole world, thereby delivering and redeeming mankind from the slavery of sin. Without hammer, burin and bulldozer, Jericho’s walls were brought down; with worship and praises, through Jehoshaphat, he delivered Israel from mightier than them. Paul and Silas were chained in a prison and their praises moved God who provoked an earthquake that shook the foundations of the prison, loosed their locks and opened doors.
Is your case more desperate than the above? No, of course! A simple breath from him is enough to address it. Stop devising on how God will intervene in your case! Just hope in his mercy and fear him; before you know it, like a lightening, he will lay to rest anything that is eating your peace.