29 avr. 2018

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him …” Colossians 2:6
Are you of those who love to have a walk in the nature after a long workday with your spouse, a friend, alone or with the Lord? Many consider that opportunity as a golden moment to rejuvenate physically, mentally and emotionally. During such a walk, a husband and his wife will enjoy the company of each other and of that opportunity of sharing. As a result of their responsibilities, it is likely that they don’t see each other throughout the day and that morning or evening escapade will unite them in a particularly intimate atmosphere.
Bible also shares with us advantages of walk. They are not just physical and social but also eminently spiritual as they have everlasting incidences. In the Old Testament, we can see at least two people who loved long walks with their best friend, the Lord. These are Enoch and Noah. Enoch was in the habit of walking with God to the point that he did not pass through death for God took him.
In his walk with the Lord, Noah used to listen to his companion as friends do. They had such rich conversations that Noah found grace with the Lord. Noah’s friend unveiled to him his plan to eradicate wickedness from earth and to save his family and him from water of the flood. That is what friends are meant for: warning, encouraging, protecting and saving.
In the New Testament, Jesus calls people who obey Him His friends. Obeying Jesus’ commandments turns us into his friends and gives us the privilege of walking and chatting with HIM. In addition to that, Apostle John invites us not only to become Jesus’ friend but to also “walk just as he walked” (1 John 2:6).
In other words, we are invited to follow his steps because he went by that way for us. The way might not be the easiest but it is the best. It might not be boarded with beautiful flowers, but it does have all required provisions for us to enjoy the journey. That way does not lead to mud neither does it lead to wilderness; it rather climbs the mountain to enjoy the wonderful view on the beauty and Jesus’ invisible majesty.
May the Lord uphold you in your walk with HIM. Amen!