14 juil. 2024
Benjamin ROGERS

‘‘And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.’’ Philippians 4:7
Our message focuses on three distinct characters. GOD, a sound minded and a weak-minded persons. To further open our understanding, I would like to define the verb to think and the adverb circumspectly. Think refers to a product of the mind. It can be convergent (using logic), divergent (using imagination) and lateral (using both logic and imagination). Circumspect on the other hand is a careful and prudent way of doing something. God who gives circumspectly has a unique personality trait which, when followed, works for all. These traits include He is; Knowable (Jeremiah 9: 23-24), Capable (Psalms 25:3), Welcoming (Psalms 145:18) and Creative (Psalms 147:5)
Friends, the reason why the weak and the sound-minded persons, created in God’s traits think differently is because of their personality traits. A sound minded person is one who develops discipline and takes responsibility, confronts fears and doesn’t make excuses, is creative and aims high. The weak-minded, on the other hand, lacks perseverance, fears failure, procrastinates, lacks goals, neglects personal growth, is very poor in time management and blames others. Also, the problem with the person of weak mind is that instead of controlling his/her thought, (s)he allows his/her thought to control him/her. You must know that you are a product of what you think.
To conclude, here are some steps to follow if you want to develop a sound mind:
1. You must be at peace with God in your mind
When you are at peace with God, you’ll choose what you think about and how you respond to thoughts and worries that come to your mind. God promises to strengthen you and give you His peace if you obey His command. So, pray, tell Him what you need, and thank Him. John 14:27
2. Act instead of procrastinating.
Procrastination is an irrational delay of task despite potential negativity. The more you delay a task the more you become demotivated and loose interest in it. To avoid losing interest act now. Ecc 9:10 says ‘’Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might, for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave whither thou goest.’’
3. Make your talents your habits
This simply means to continuously improve on your skill. (Proverb 18:16)