12 déc. 2021
Martial KOUNOU

“But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master's money.” Matthew 24:18
The story is told of a man who was in the habit of giving an insane fellow some bread to eat everyday. The insane man would invariably respond to that kindness with a: “If you do good, you do for yourself and if you do bad, you do for yourself.” The giver got fed up of hearing that almost ungrateful substitute to the thank you he expected and decided to do something about it. One day, he poisoned the bread and gave it to the insane man. However, his own son who happened to be hungry that day came across the insane man, snatched the bread from him, ate it and passed away. Upon discovering the details of what happened, the giver acknowledged that indeed the good or bad we do generally come back to us either directly or indirectly and sometimes in many folds.
When we look at the story of talents as narrated in the Bible, we can easily see a similar pattern. The master was happy with the servant who received five and the one who got two talents as both managed to get 100% interest. They received the congratulation message of their boss and his promise and commitment to entrust to them even more. Please note that the master did not collect their gain from them and therefore, the good they did, turned out to benefit them personally.
On the contrary, the last one whose management style was dictated by the wrong perception he had of his master whom he thought reaped where he did not sow and gathered where he did not scatter seed was the biggest loser. Actually, he was three-times-loser: first, his master publicly confessed his loss of confidence in him; then he lost the capital he was given to somebody who got more (v.28) and finally he got dismissed and punished (v.30).
The fact that God allows for time to elapse between our actions and their results just like between sowing and reaping tends to make people lose sight of the direct or indirect consequences of their acts. Let’s not relent in doing good especially to others for that is what will remain as our legacy.
Is there any good thing you are enjoying today that resulted from the good you did in the past? Please thank God and keep doing good. Otherwise repent! May God bless you.