3 sept. 2017

“That day when evening came, He said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side” Mark 4:35
It was such a long day in Jesus Christ’s life and ministry. On the bank of the Sea of Galilee, he spoke to a multitude about the kingdom of Heaven, using his first parables to explain and exemplify its nature. Obviously, not only did he preach and teach, but he healed the afflicted as well.
While evening was growing near, the crowd kept coming. Jesus started feeling tired as it was days since he had not rested well and he scarcely slept. Pharisees, who were set to destroy him, were looking for the slightest occasion to spoil his reputation. Their malicious insinuations doubled with vilification they lavished onto him made his work even more tiresome. Exhausted at the end of the day, Jesus made up his mind to get to a lonely place at the other side of the lake.
Jesus strongly desired to find a secure and lonely place to rest. Turning to his disciples, he said onto them: “let us go over to the other side” (Mark 4:35). The disciples were also tired. The crowd so massively surrounded them that they had been restless as well. Having sent away the crowd, they undertook to cross the Sea of Galilee, also known as the Lake of Gennesareth.
Today, Jesus is still inviting us just as he did with his disciples 2,000 years ago, to follow him to the other side. For us, it might be “the other side” of our marital life, our career, our school or our personal relationship with God. No wonder tiredness has made its way to our life and we might desperately need Jesus to take us to the other side.
Do we want to see a change and be victorious in our spiritual pilgrimage? It is totally possible that the right breakthrough in our life is at “the other side”. Let’s now ask Jesus to take us and accompany us to the “Other side”. The meaning of this might go beyond a mere rest to mean a breakthrough in our life.
Let’s ask for the Lord’s support to respond to that invitation.
Be strengthened and have a pleasant work week!