27 oct. 2019

“Peter and John answered and said to them, Judge if it is right for us to obey you rather than God: for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard” Acts 4: 19-20
Living for Jesus can cause great difficulties. Sometimes new situations occur in the life of a believer, or in the history of a church where a person must choose between obeying God or human beings. Through the New Testament, the people of God are faced with a dilemma: to make a decision for God or against God. But strengthened by the Spirit of God, they decided to obey God, even if it meant death.
Early in their apostolic ministry, Peter and John faced this choice. Jewish religious leaders specifically instructed the disciples not to teach in the name of Jesus, and threatened them with death should they persist. Instead of submitting to human commands, they left, prayed, and continued to preach in the name of Jesus Christ. As a result, Peter, Paul, and John were all thrown into jail and, with the exception of John, were killed for taking a stand for the Truth. They all wrote letters from their prison, including John's books, which were written from the island of PATMOS.
In his exhortations Paul even wrote that: “all who want to live godly in Jesus Christ will be persecuted." 2 Timothy 3: 12. Following the true way has always provoked Satan, and in most cases triggered the persecution. The advice of Jesus Christ was this: “Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life" (Revelation 2:10).
As in the day of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, the Lord will act with power towards the end of time, in favor of those who resolutely take the side of justice. He, who supports the brave Hebrews in the fiery furnace, will walk beside them wherever they are. The feeling of his presence will be for them a consolation and a support. At the height of the persecution, the elects will remain unshakable. Satan, with all his armies, will not succeed in destroying the weakest of the Saints, Powerful angels will protect them, and the Lord will be revealed to them as the God of Heaven, able to save perfectly all those who put their trust in him.