4 oct. 2020
Martial KOUNOU

“And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.” Revelations 2:21
Charles Baudelaire, a French poet, once wrote this: “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”. Another trick he is abundantly using these days is convincing all mankind, and most importantly Christians, against all odds, that we still have time, much time and that we can still take a few more minutes, hours, days and even years cherishing our sinful behaviour and practices. He tends to gently whisper to our ears that this one more sin will not affect God’s love for us and that before it is too late, we shall have a sign, a signal that will prompt us to repent in order not to miss heavens. You and I know how far from truth that is, don’t we?
Time is short and repentance time is even shorter. A few years back you were either a child or in college. Look at yourself now! Therefore, if there is anything we have to do, whether it is related to our job, health, family or spiritual life, let’s get set to do it now otherwise, we are definitely running the risk of not achieving it at all with the potential increased and harmful effects it will eventually have on us.
You may have heard about procrastination and how it can jeopardize somebody’s efficacy and his/her steady professional growth and success. A common denominator you will find in all procrastinators is the long time it takes them from when a task starts to when it is achieved.
My brother and my sister, when it comes to repentance, please don’t procrastinate. In fact do you want to ruin your whole life of devoutly serving God because there is something needing immediate attention that you rather want to deal with later? Let me tell you this: It is not worth it and there is no better antidote to procrastination than acting immediately. Yes, you got me well! It is now, not in one hour, not tomorrow! Putting it for later might be putting it for too late. Don’t take a chance.
I’m sure you once met with somebody who looked very healthy and either a few hours or one day later, you hear that person passed away mysteriously. Yesterday was a legacy, tomorrow a promise; the only best time to act is NOW! Don’t miss the golden opportunity God is giving to you now because repentance time is short!
God bless you!