23 janv. 2022
Martial KOUNOU

“He hath blinded their eyes (…) that they should not see with their eyes (…) “John 12:40 KJV
Have you noticed that sometimes we are so far-fetched that we unwillingly and unknowingly become blind to opportunities lying just at our feet? Many have spent their savings to travel very far for a hypothetical el-dorado. The luckiest of them ended up exercising jobs they would never have accepted in their hometown; the least fortunate ones fell victims to the tragedy of the Mediterranean Sea which has proven to be the grave to many African youth these past years.
Please don’t get me wrong. There is no harm in being ambitious, nor is there any issue in dreaming of making one’s life where the wind of one’s destiny blows. It is just important to ensure God is closely involved and has approved that move. Unfortunately, more often than not, rather than we praying God to know his plans for our lives, we laboriously design our own plans and tend to ask for His mere endorsement. Spiritual blindness and spiritual myopia are causing so much havoc to the uprising and thriving of children of God nowadays!
Many are missing their destinies, living far below the standard they are ordained for, suffering material lack despite the immensity of their riches in spirit, struggling to achieve things they are not gifted for while their potential remains untapped and in complete dormancy. A few weeks ago, I read the story of a man who found himself at the gate of heavens. He asked an angel “Can you tell me who the most successful General on earth was?”. In reply and pointing to a man who has been everything but a general during his lifetime, the angel said “That is the man who should have been the best ever General on earth!” and he promptly added “Unfortunately, he did not choose that career path”
As you can see, spiritual blindness is costly and can turn an ordained king to live a slave’s life, a man or woman with an industry tycoon destiny to be begging for job, etc. Recently the daughter of a man of God, spiritually inspired, composed this song: “Holy Ghost, I’m tired of this blindness; Holy Ghost, come and open my eyes; Holy Ghost let me see you internal, Holy Ghost, let me see you so bright; open eye, shine so bright, let me see crystal clear”. We should all use the words of that song to pray God to open our spiritual eyes.