2 juin 2024
Benjamin ROGERS

"Then, as He was now drawing near the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen." Luke 19: 37
As Jesus reached the last week of His life on earth, the crowds around Him were engaged in a lot of shouting. The crowd shouted at His Entrance. The crowd shouted at His Examination and The Crowd shouted at His Execution.
Friends, I am tempted to say that the crowd must have shouted at his entrance to Jerusalem because they had experienced His miracles and enlightenments (Luke 19: 37). Also, they may have shouted at his examination because he did not cow down under the authority of the priests and scribes. He possessed an authority that was far greater than the Roman leadership (Matt. 23:25-28).
Lastly, they shouted at his execution because they misunderstood his mission. They misunderstood that Jesus did not come for a revolution but for redemption. They missed the Servant while they looked for the Soldier.
After all, the shouting stopped that day after he was hung on the cross, and the object of anger for his enemies was over while the object of affection for his lovers was also dead. There was silence and the crowd slowly went to their homes.
1. God’s methods in Isaiah 53:1-12 were revealed.
2. He defeated the most persistent, and terrible enemies of the human race: Satan, Sin, Death, and Hell. John 10:10
3. The debt we own was forever being settled.
4. His death opened the way to God, 1 Pet. 1:18-19
5. Old Testament saints who were in Abraham’s bosom came back to life. Matt 27:52-53
6. Salvation was freely given to us.
Just because you love His miracles does not mean you are saved. Just because you love his message does not mean you are saved. Just because you think He is the Messiah does not mean that you are saved
What saves you is when you
a. Admit that you are a sinner and confess them and turn from them. 1 John 1:9
b. Focus on the crown and not the crowd. 2 Tim. 4:8
Hear this: Individual result in a product of what a person writes and not what the crowd writes. God bless you.