27 juin 2021
Esther Eliott NYUMA

“The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.” Luke 17:5-6
Everybody has some type of faith, people have faith in many different things. No one can live a single day without exercising faith. Faith is crucial in our relationship with God. Without it, there's no way we can meet Him. Faith is the connector that brings us to know the Lord and to experience Him at diverse levels. We cannot experience His best for us if we don't walk in faith. The route to the self-life is faithlessness.
So, throughout God's dealing with man, from Abraham to Christ, those who ever followed Him and did His will, and received from Him were those who took His word as it is. Nothing eternal can work in us without a show of faith in the Lord who gives it. In fact, faith in Him formed a major core of Jesus' dealing with people.
In the above, we see that the disciples asked Jesus a question of how they could increase their faith. It's a wonderful question indeed! Jesus replied by saying that, with their little faith, they could speak to a tree and what they say would happen.
First, we see that faith must be put into practice in order to see its wonder working power. Faith must be active. If it's not, then it's something else.
Also, I see that one basic way we increase our faith is by putting it to practice. We increase our faith by using it on some little things. It is the exercise of our faith in little matters that matures it, expands it, and increases it. If you do not believe the Lord for something little, you can never believe Him for something great. Faith like mustard seeds increases only when it's put into practice. It's not the quantum of faith that we have, but our attitude to its use. So, we increase in our faith, not by sitting down for some big things to happen, but by putting our faith into practice, no matter how little it is. The truth for today is, our little faith expands only when we put it to practice. Our little faith in Him can bring out results when we put it into practice. May we walk in this truth in Jesus' name. Amen