5 nov. 2023

“(…) And behold, the Lord passed by (…); and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.” 1 King 19:11-12
One would believe that God would use a grand entrance such as a thunderous voice to manifest his presence to Elijah. Although he used powerful elements that are beyond man’s control to draw Elijah’s attention, his communication channel was quite the opposite. Can you imagine the speed and might of the wind that can shutter stones? Yet, God was not in the wind, he wasn’t in the earthquake and the fire either.
Have you ever pondered how God communicates today? God still speaks with the still small voice. This voice can be so small or faint that it can be overlooked with the vicissitude of life and manmade priorities. The small voice does not simply refer to the written words in the Bible but also, the revelation that Jesus Christ will bring to us. As we read the Bible and dwell in God’s presence, revelation comes to us in form of light. Suddenly things we have read that were blur start making sense, the veil is thus lifted. This revelation will come in the form of spirit communication. It is spoken directly to our spirit. It may come in forms of words or pictures that need to be captured in our minds via our thought’s patterns. As we continue pondering on this insight, more light is shed on us and we are quickened to deliver the content of the message that God has placed in our minds in form of burdens. As the communication is given out appropriately, the burden is lifted, and the minister of the word has completed his mission. This form of spirit communication is loaded with inspiration from God which infuses the word or message with the breath of the Holy Spirit. The culmination of the delivery of such a message is transformation, healing and power.
Elijah’s encounter with God will energize him to press on with his remaining assignment amidst danger with greater power and revelation. God still communicates with the still small voice. Let’s be sensitive and trust him for discernment and revelation to carry out his mission. The greatest tragedy for the believer is to continue relying on his own logic and reasoning instead of the Holy Spirit as the powerhouse for revelation and direction.