9 juin 2019
Martial KOUNOU

“Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent (…)” Revelation 2:5
During our stay on this earth, it happens that we face an array of problems. Some are relatively simple and only require very little reflection to be addressed. For others, in contrast, the complexity level is such that it takes a high level of reflection and analysis to solve them, which subjects neurons to high pressure, with the ultimate purpose of getting not only the remedy that is fit for purpose but also the most sustainable one.
Though the objective might be the same, in this exercise, the approaches of some starkly contrast with the methodology of others and that is naturally reflected in the results. In fact, while some get very good results for their efforts, in the best of cases, others end up with outcomes that do not go beyond recurrent patching. And the origin of this second case which reminds us of the Sisyphus Myth, of the name of that character of a book by Albert Camus, is a diagnosis that locates the problem not at its root but rather at consequence level.
A very big activism, unrestrained efforts, prayers and wailing of all kinds will never usefully compensate for a bad diagnosis to the point of leading to sustainable satisfactory results. In fact, it is by far better to invest half or more of the time required to resolve a problem or treat an evil in laying a faultlessly right and accurate diagnosis rather than invest one’s energy on what is no more than a consequence thereof.
Today, too many people, including Christians, are caught in the trap of suffering, stagnation, sickness, etc. for failing to carefully taking time to look for the right causes. Sometimes, the promotion that is much desired is not much related to a competence issue or as a result of the scarcity of opportunities than to a simple behavior change. That peace that is the subject of your prayer, may be at your grasp on the spot if you would swiftly act on some generational foundations. Sometimes, it is just absence of the right and accurate information (my people perish for lack of knowledge) that is the root of our sorrows. Other times, it is lack of a serious introspection to know exactly where one has fallen!
Whatever problem is tormenting you currently, work to identify the right cause thereof, target it and your problem will soon be of the past