11 nov. 2018
Florent V. GBEO

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it” Mat.7: 13
Beloved ones, it stems from the above verse that two roads lead to eternity: the spacious and narrow ones. There is no other alternative as some people sometimes teach it and no one can take both roads at the same time as each way has its own features and specific destination.
The spacious road: It is broad, easy to engage on as there are but few restrictions. There are many attractive things along this road. It is easy to go but difficult to turn away from. It is the road of mundanity, compromise, idolatry, lies, fornication, and adultery. It is also the road of syncretism and of the religious. Everything is allowed and easy on that road because it is large and popular but unfortunately it ultimately leads straight to hell.
The narrow road: It is the road Jesus himself recommends us to go by in the above verse because it is the only one that leads to Heaven. Jesus himself is that road. It is narrow because it is made of restrictions that make it difficult for people to go. This road is too small and its door very narrow. It is narrow because it does not tolerate sin, injustice and any worldly practices.
The narrow road is the only one that is advantageous for Christians. It is narrow and requires that a personal decision is made and that one is set to stay therein. Many people miss that door as a result of their lack of sincerity, discipline and their fake salvation. There are some that engage in that way just to make a U-turn later on to go on the spacious one. The narrow way is not closed; it is open to all those who look for it sincerely.
Friend of the cross and of Calvary, life is short and eternity is real. Today is our day. The road to the narrow door is always open. This is the right time to ask ourselves these questions: what road are we on? Are we on the right road that leads to heaven or rather on the spacious one? A genuine answer to these will help us adjust our life accordingly.
May the Lord give us the grace to remain on the narrow road throughout our life!