12 mai 2024

Kadiatu Bachallee TAYLOR

“Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8b

Brethren, when I looked at this scripture and things that are happening currently in the world, around us, within us and by us, I couldn’t stop myself from asking “is there faith on planet earth?”

We are mostly moved by what we see and we tend to react based on what we see happening around us: the hardship, the turbulence in the world, the hatred of people and the evil conspiracy of our workmates. When we see all this, we murmur, grumble and forget that we have a master that has promised us that he will avenge his elect. (Luke 18:6-8). Instead, we make Jesus a mockery by doing evil for evil, becoming deceitful to make our ways, lie, murder and bear hatred and jealousy.

Friends, my personal experience recently in a situation that made me quake and ask myself if I have faith in God as I claim I have. I had a situation whereby I was relegated to nothing, and I felt depressed. The Lord had given me insight of the situation; but instead of harkening and looking up to Him, I kept on murmuring and bitterness crept in. I then realized how little faith in God I had.

If you ask the average Christian today if they believe in Jesus, the immediate response is to say we believe. But when we are faced with temptation, trials and tribulations, we fail. We fail to note that we have Christ in us and he is the hope of our glory (Colossians 1:24-29). We fail to believe that all things work together for good to them that know the Lord. (Romans 8:28).

*Yeshua is calling us deeper*. Deeper in worship, praising, acknowledging his might. Deeper in his truth and ways. The foundation of going deeper in Jesus is losing ourselves.

We should be ready to take up the cross and follow Jesus. (Mathew 16:24-26). Holding unto him no matter what. We should be faithful and true to his ways, seeking and delighting in his ways. We should remember to activate our oil like the wise virgins whose lamps were burning to wait for the bridegroom. God requires us to be selfless and think of Him, no matter what life may bring, we should be faithful.

I pray Yeshua give us the oil to run the race well and finish the good fight of faith so that the master will find faith in earth. Shalom!

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© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved

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