10 déc. 2017

“So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter” 2 Thessalonians 2 :15
It is interesting to observe people who live in our neighbourhood. For example, people of the same family tend to behave similarly and to have some preferences in common. On the contrary, although others might come from the same family, both their behaviours and preferences are totally different.
Why such differences? Among others reasons, it is because not all those people are educated by the same persons. For example, in monarchies, a young prince is always reminded of his identity especially his family ties. Therefore any time he is seen to secretly go out, it is the responsibility of those who are tasked with his education to remind him that he is not allowed to behave that way. They do so by emphasizing his identity and his singular personality. At the end, he most often grows into a responsible man in society. Other parents might not remind their family members what the family expect from them.
We all are part of a family with some culture and a good framing from people tasked with that role. 2 Thessalonians 2:13 sensitizes us on the relationship we should have with our Christian family. Ephesians 2:14-21 on its part reminds us that our ultimate tie with that family is the Lord Jesus-Christ, Chief and Consumer of our Faith (Hebrew 12:2). He determines and shapes our culture and teaches us that if we love him, we will keep his commands (John14:15). We find more instructions and useful pieces of advice on our development in the Christian Family in 2 Thessalonians 2: 13-17.
God would like all our families to operate as symbols of the heavenly family. Let us parents and our children every day keep that thought in our spirits and ensure our behaviour toward one another reflects that membership of God’s family. Our lives can then be of such quality that they will offer the world a model of what families that love God and apply his commands could become. Christ will then take glory. Thus, his peace, grace and love will enter the family circle like a precious fragrance. Amen!
Be strengthened and have a pleasant workweek!