22 avr. 2018
Florent V. GBEDO

“And he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?” Genesis 3:11
Beloved one, that’s the question God asked Adam and Eve after they had disobeyed him in the Garden of Eden. While God commanded them not to eat from the tree of life, they preferred to listen to Devil and infringed divine instructions. On hearing the Lord’s coming to pay them his usual visit, they hid for they were naked. God was therefore right by asking them that question.
Even today, many Christian are still in the likeness of Adam and Eve. They consider what other people say about them and disobey God thereby attracting his wrath on themselves. Many have left God aside, and have preferred to listen to friends and siblings’ pieces of advice. They end up in the inextricable labyrinth of worldliness and do things that are an abomination to God and that drive them to remorse and regret. And yet, it is not what others say that should matter for us Christians but rather what God says.
Beloved one, who told you that you won’t succeed in your studies? Who told you that you are good for nothing? Who told you that you would never secure a job? Who told you that you will not have your own house? Who told you that you won’t get married? Who told you that you won’t be able to have a child? Which renowned doctor or marabou told you that? Is that God’s plan for you? No! God’s plan’s for your life is that you succeed in your studies, in whatever you undertake. God’s plan for you is that you get a well-paid job. God’s plan for you is that you become independent with regard real estate. God’s plan for you is that you have children that will serve Him. God’s plan for you is simply that you be happy.
Therefore, don’t consider what people say anymore. Rather be focussed on Jesus Christ, your Redeemer. Cling to God, your maker and do his will. Walk with Him and whatever He has planned for you will be achieved for these are legitimate plans for you as His child.