27 janv. 2025
Martial KOUNOU

“But they [loudly] shouted out all together, saying, “Away with this Man, and release Barabbas to us!”” Luke 23:18 (AMP)
A lady married a man of God. After some misunderstanding with him, she left and married another one. A little while later, she divorced her second husband and married a third man. Some time passed and then, she started sending seeds to her first husband every month. Confused by her attitude, a friend of hers asked: “Lady, why are you behaving that way?” Then she responded “That man was a good man. I did not know his valor while I was still with him. It is after I had left him that I discovered that some men come directly from hell. My first husband used to scream at me. But the last two husbands beat me mercilessly anytime they don’t agree with me on something”.
Brethren, we are in a generation that murders its heroes and celebrates its criminals. Jesus lived on this planet earth and spent his time helping many: when Peter was sinking, he rescued him; He identified with Marie Magdalene who had 7 demons and with the woman at the well who had had many husbands! He fed 5000 people, healed the sick, raised the dead. Can you imagine that man, that good man, on the cross, forsaken by all those He helped, healed and fed! None stood with him in that difficult moment, not even his disciples!
Good people not protected don’t live long. If you have a wife that does not give you trouble, don’t wait to lose her before starting to praise her; appreciate and protect her now! Value her and celebrate her! If your husband does all he can lawfully and meets the family needs, don’t trivialize it saying: “after all, is that not his role?” It surely is; but not all husbands are making sacrifices and are consistently fulfilling their responsibilities. Therefore, humble yourself and acknowledge what he is doing. As a child, if you have parents who are ready to sacrifice much so that you can become somebody in life, consider yourself blessed and tell them how grateful you are to have been sown by God on such a fertile ground. Saying it will not reduce your age, nor your prestige. Rather, it will fill them with joy and thanks to your expressed gratitude, you are likely to boost their desire to do more. Good people are scarce nowadays! Value the ones the Almighty has planted around you!